Converto's Performance Reach generated attention among the right target groups. Through clever composite targeting with algorithm-based optimisation, various target groups were addressed precisely and exciting audience insights were generated.
Campaign goal
The goal of the Performance Reach campaign was to generate awareness among the special target group for the newly launched product of ZTE Austria. Particularly important were the two different target groups, which could be addressed through Converto's composite targeting with constant targeting optimisation.
Visits generated: 18'841
The campaign increased awareness in the target group and generated high visibility and qualitative traffic to the site. A total of 18,841 visits were generated.
Click rate: 0.9%
An excellent CTR of 0.9% was achieved. Due to the constant campaign optimizations, the good targeting and the optimization algorithm, it increased steadily and reached this CTR at the end of the campaign. The value is 5 times higher than the forecast.
2,097,703 Ad Impression
In the course of the campaign, more than 2 million ad impressions were generated at a Viewability of 73.42% and an Average Frequency of 2.21.
The awareness campaign in Austria in detail:
Product booked: Performance Reach
Delivery: Grid20
Target audience:
Young people/ trainees/ young adults aged 14-29, without higher education, but with practical professions, sports affinity, package and group travel.
Women and men aged 35-55, low to middle income, also with practical occupations, sports affinity, family, possibly also parents looking for a smartphone for their child.
Contextuals, look-alikes, searches in the "travel" category, etc.
Language: German
Success factors
4-subject targeting with algorithm-based optimization
Thanks to the intelligent combination of several targetings, the specific target group could be identified and perfectly addressed. The data for the algorithm-based optimization was divided into the areas of ski and travel and came from different targeting, which were analyzed by the algorithm and optimally combined to bring about a maximally optimized target group approach. This included Contextual Targeting and Purchase Receipt Targeting, which targeted users who had received a booking or purchase confirmation in the respective area. From the Search Audience, came data from users who searched for a matching term. And as the last input, data came from users in the Similar Audience, which was created on the basis of the first three targetings.
Through composite targeting and constant adjustments, exciting audience insights were generated that contribute to the success of this and subsequent campaigns.
Audience Insights -Socio-demographics:
The highest interest in the product was shown primarily by male Internet users, who had a CTR around 3 times higher than that of female users. Broken down by age, young adults 18-24 and the two age groups 45-49, and 55-64 had the highest CTRs.
Audience Insights - Affinities: CTRs by affinity show that interest areas around Outdoor, Travel, Sports, Hobbies and Activities performed best. The targeting breakdown by Travel and Ski shows that targeting by Travel worked almost twice as well as Ski.
Suggested Focus Personas:
Based on the audience insights, it was possible to identify three different personas that will be suggested to focus on when promoting the product in further campaigns:
Persona 1
Young man (18-24)
studying or in education
Interests: Sports, Outdoor, Travel
Persona 2
Mother 40+, max. ca. 49
Child at the age for a first smartphone
Persona 3
Man or woman 55+
Needs cheap smartphone
Awareness achieved
The campaign increased the attention of the target audience, as well as generated high visibility and qualitative traffic to the site - a total of 18,841 visits.
Above average CTR
Due to the good addressing of the target group and the good advertising media, a far above-average CTR of 0.9% was achieved.
Composite Targeting
Through composite targeting, the campaign was constantly optimized and an exact address of the target group was achieved. In addition, relevant personas could be identified who showed a particularly high interest in the product and were therefore especially relevant.
ZTE Axon 20 advertising material with ski and travel themes
Future campaigns can be launched based on the collected data. For example, data already exists for users who have interacted with the ads and the pool of data for the Similar Audience is already available.
We know how innovative and successful such campaigns are and are happy to answer your questions and create appropriate offers for you.
Contact us at.
ZTE Austria GmbH
BTTR Agency, responsible Mr. Kai Wichmann (Managing Director)
Converto AG, Paul Röhrig (Head of Media & Partner Management)