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Gambling Addiction Switzerland -Prevention at Eye Level.

Andy J. Bartneck

Updated: Nov 10, 2023

The Swiss cantons and the Principality of Liechtenstein have launched an essential national prevention campaign to raise awareness of the risks of gambling addiction on the Internet. Online gambling is increasingly a serious problem in Switzerland. Between 2018 and 2021, the proportion of problem gamblers doubled, from 2.3 to 5.2 per cent, as the latest eGames study by Addiction Switzerland and GREA shows.

This worrying increase can be attributed, on the one hand, to the rise in online gambling due to the new Money Games Act and, on the other hand, to the effects of the coronavirus pandemic. Young people aged 18 to 29 are particularly affected.

To counteract this growing problem, all Swiss cantons and the Principality of Liechtenstein have joined forces for the first time and jointly launched a national prevention campaign. The Feb. 23-April 12, 2023 campaign was shared on social media (Instagram, TikTok, Facebook) and online portals and targeted a young audience.

Animated videos showed different motivations for gambling, such as the thrill, the relaxation, or the challenge, asking the critical question, "Why do you gamble for money?" The goal is to make those who participate in online gambling think twice.

The centrepiece of the campaign is the website , which is available in three languages. Here, target groups can first look at six different gambling motifs in-depth. Only in the next step are they aware of the risks and the available offers of help throughout Switzerland.

The unique feature of this campaign is that it first promotes self-reflection and does not immediately rely on conventional prevention messages. This approach is based on the concept of Human Centered Design and was developed after extensive research with those affected. People affected by a gambling addiction often cannot recognize their problematic behaviour. However, they are willing to talk about their motivation for gambling. Therefore, this is precisely where the national campaign comes in.

Campaign objective: The campaign's main objective was to raise awareness of the risks of gambling addiction and direct those affected to the website .

In addition to increasing traffic to the landing page, the campaign also aimed to increase interactions (conversions) on the site.

Campaign mechanics: The campaign was based on Converto Dynamics and used individual displays with six different subjects (game types), which were adapted according to the gender of the user. Tailored targeting was done for each region based on domains (Sitelist), keywords (Contextual) and target group-specific locations.

Key campaign data: 23.02. to 12.04.2023, in German, French and Italian. The regions targeted included Northern and Central Switzerland, Eastern Switzerland, Zurich, Schaffhausen, Western Switzerland and Ticino. Targeting was customized to your target audience based on domains (Sitelist), keywords (Contextual) and target group-specific locations.

The results:

29'036'619 ais

30'734 clicks

0.11% CTR

510 conversion

Conversion Rate 1.5%

Responsible Agency: Feinheit,

Responsible at Converto: Sabrina Distel


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