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AI in marketing & for keyword optimization

Laura Marlene Graf

Artificial intelligence and AI-based tools have been omnipresent in recent months. While many companies and individuals are only just beginning to use AI in everyday life, Converto has been using it as part of various solutions for a long time. In the following article you will learn what artificial intelligence actually is, what advantages it brings, how you can use AI in marketing and how it is used at Converto for technologies such as predictive keyword targeting. We also share our favorite 7 AI-based tools.

What is artificial intelligence?

Artificial intelligence is used to make machines smarter. Intelligence in this case refers to being able to anticipate and react appropriately to one's environment. This includes, among other things, collecting information, processing it and storing it as knowledge. But also to solve problems and achieve goals.

Machine learning is a central part of artificial intelligence. Machine learning relies on algorithms that enable machines to recognize patterns from data and experience and make predictions. Machine learning is an important building block for the development of intelligent machines and applications that rely on the processing of large amounts of data.

AI is typically used where human intelligence is required. However, artificial intelligence is superior to human intelligence in many ways, especially when it comes to analyzing large amounts of data and recognizing patterns.

What are the advantages of using artificial intelligence for the world of work?

  • Increase productivity and increase ROIA large number of monotonous tasks can be automated by using algorithms. These include e.g. B. Activities such as data entry or answering frequently asked questions. In addition to productivity, the quality of work can also be improved.

  • Deeper insights into dataAI can efficiently analyze data sets and thus predict, for example, business trends or purchase actions and decisions.

  • Effective MarketingConsequently, artificial intelligence helps companies eliminate guesswork. The user experience can be improved by evaluating data. An example are programs that automatically generate email subject lines and content.

5 uses of artificial intelligence in marketing

  1. Targeted MarketingArtificial intelligence can better understand target groups and perform target group analyzes faster. For example, to identify specific customer clusters and groups or weak points in the customer journey.

  2. Personalized and automated marketingAI-based tools are used to create personalized content for customers. The AI can analyze data such as purchase history, online behavior and socio-demographic information to create customized recommendations. In this way, customer satisfaction and loyalty as well as engagement can be increased.

  3. Customer know-howAI-based analytics tools can collect data about customers' online behavior and analyze it to identify patterns. This helps marketers make decisions based on their audience's behavior and preferences.

  4. AI-powered content marketingHere artificial intelligence can support in the areas of creation, personalization, distribution, optimization and in predicting the success of content.

  5. AI-driven customer relationship managementChatbots and language assistants can automatically answer customer questions and give them personalized recommendations. This can improve customer experience and increase customer loyalty.

AI in action: Predictive keyword targeting gives you keywords that work

With context-based targeting, online advertising is played out on the basis of keywords and context within editorial environments. Ads are therefore placed on websites on which previously defined keywords appear, as there is a high probability that interested users will be found there. For example, a car dealership's ads are displayed on a car reviews page, or a travel agency's ads on a travel magazine's website.

In traditional keyword targeting, marketers often select keywords that they consider relevant to their product or service based on different points of view. However, this approach is potentially ineffective as it can be difficult to know exactly which keywords are actually relevant or because the defined keywords create too little reach for the campaign.

Converto's Predictive Keyword Targeting is based on innovative technologies and uses intelligent algorithms and machine learning. The technology behind it allows us to predict the chances of success of keywords without cookies and in compliance with data protection regulations.

Predictive Keyword Targeting complies with data protection regulations and works without any 3rd party cookies.

To do this, we analyze, among other things, the context of the pages on which users surf. We can then use the context data to extract the most important keywords.

Our AI then compares these keywords with different sources and adds topic-related terms (i.e. keywords that could be relevant) and trending keywords (keywords that could still become relevant) to the list. The sum of these newly generated keywords forms the basis for the targeting campaign.

Once your campaign has started, our technology continuously evaluates the effectiveness of the individual keywords. Keywords that don't work are replaced with new ones. This allows us to ensure effective ad placement in current environments.

During delivery, the campaign will be optimized for your KPI and delivered using best-performing keywords. Converto guarantees data protection compliance and success-based billing. Predictive keyword targeting is also possible with Converto without 3rd party cookies and is therefore an important pillar of your marketing strategy. There is also the option of targeting with other strategies and Dynamic Ads combine.

For which companies is Predictive Keyword Targeting useful?

Especially companies that operate in very competitive markets or that want to optimize a large number of keywords should rely on predictive keyword targeting. By using the innovative technology, marketers can refine their strategies and ensure they are effectively focusing their resources on the right keywords.

Furthermore, predictive keyword targeting is suitable for companies that want to generate awareness for their brand and/or products, since advertising material can be placed specifically in topic-related environments. This is how the brand is perceived by the users in the relevant context.

If you want to learn more about Predictive Keyword Targeting and how you can use it for your next campaign, send us an email E- Mail or call us: +41 43 255 20 10.

Finally, here are our 7 favorite AI-based tools that make everyday marketing easier


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