Cookieless campaigns with the CRM data of the publisher.
In the context of cookieless targeting, publishers can use 1st party CRM data to offer personalized content without relying on cookies.
Publishers can access their own databases of information about their users, such as B. interests, demographics or past behavior to provide tailored content. ​

The benefits of centrally managed data
User databases such as OneLog in Switzerland are structured across sites, across companies and in some cases across platforms. This gives advertisers access to an exclusive data set with very detailed information without being able to view or use personal data.
Targeting to:
platform usage
offer use
content usage
interest groups
Demographic Information
socio data
survey data
and a lot more
Good to Know: Converto zeigt Dir genau auf über welche Plattform Du welche Targetings mit welche Reichweite aussteuern kannst.
By using 1st party CRM data, publishers can better understand their users and offer them relevant ad placements while ensuring privacy protections.

Get it contact with us.
Cookieless targeting campaigns are easy to implement. Get in touch with us and we will take care of a suitable solution for your goals, wishes and possibilities.
Application examples and inspiration for cookieless targeting based onCRM data of the publishers:
Personalized content: Publishers can access their 1st party CRM data to offer personalized content to their users. Based on interests, past behavior and demographic information, tailored articles, videos or offers can be presented.
Platform Usage: By analyzing platform usage information, publishers can understand how their users interact with their website or app. Based on this, they can optimize the user experience and offer relevant content that increases engagement.
Offer usage: Publishers may collect data about which offers or features their users use or prefer. This information can be used to provide personalized recommendations or custom offers.
Interest groups: By segmenting users into interest groups, publishers can create relevant content for specific target groups. This enables targeting and increases the likelihood that users will remain active on the platform.
Demographic information and socio-data: Publishers can use demographic information such as age, gender, and location to target content to specific user groups. For example, they can highlight local news or events that are of interest to specific regions.
Survey data: Publishers can conduct surveys to gather additional information from their users. This data can help gain a more detailed understanding of the interests and needs of the target audience and tailor content accordingly.
By leveraging 1st party CRM data, publishers can better understand their users and offer personalized content and tailored ad placements. The use of such data enables better targeting of the target group and promotes a better user experience, while ensuring the protection of privacy.

Here you will find articles on the topic "Cookieless".
If you are interested in the topic, then get in touch with us! We are working intensively on the further development of relevant advertising without being dependent on the cookie and thus on invasive tracking technologies. Our solutions perform successfully and achieve the best results!