With the following checklist, your Display ads are ready to be promoted through Converto's Grid20 Solution. Please follow the guidelines accordingly. Unfortunately, Converto's Team can not make any adjustments to the Design or correct any misprogramming in the technical implementations. Please mind the Guidelines.
Smart Themes
are the intelligent display ads templates that dynamically change part of their content based on a set of defined parameters. This short guide explains the graphic specifications of Smart Themes for advertisers. The produced output will be sent in form of a graphic file (Photoshop, Indesign, Illustrator, etc.) to Converto, that will take over the programming of the dynamic ads. If the advertiser wants an animation in the ads, the animation must be also delivered (video file, html document, after effect file, etc.) or precisely explained in a written form to Converto. Important: the graphics must be very precise (on a single pixel level), since they we’ll be programmed exactly as they are delivered.
Possible dynamic components of the Smart Theme
The following elements can be dynamically inserted in the Smart Theme. Advertisers can make a proposal of additional elements that are not listed below.
Main Headline
Sub Headline
Call to action
Image (e.g., background image)
Available formats
The advertiser should provide Converto with one graphic visualization for each of the following formats.
Please note that the content of the dynamic elements is the same for all formats. Custom formats available on demand.
Important remarks
Please consider the following points when creating the graphics of the Smart Theme:
The fonts used must be webfont (
The content of the dynamic elements is the same for all formats. Also for dynamic images the same image is used and automatically adapted for the different ad formats.
Dynamic images must have a weight of max 300 KB.
The position of the dynamic elements inside a Smart Theme is always the same for a specific format.
Please specify the lengths of all text fields (characters incl. empty spaces) such as headlines and call to action. For the delivered graphic file, visualize the text with the maximum number of characters defined
The produced final graphics need to be delivered as a vector file. Usually project files are transmitted in one of the following formats: illustrator (ai), indesign (idml), photoshop (psd). The project file contains all the formats.
Each format has a border on all sides with a minimum thickness of 1px. The edge occupies the area of the resolution of the format.
Please note, that all creative material must be sent to Converto latest 3 weeks before the planned start of the campaign.
Example of dynamic elements in a Smart Theme

For any question please contact:
Converto: / +41 43 255 20 10